Saturday 4 April 2015

Planning your garden? Help bees and butterflies as you plan and plant

If like me you're thinking about what do put in your garden this year, you could take a look at Suttons Seeds website.  They have some terrific tools for gardeners, with a Jobs to do in the garden this month guide - you just click on the month.   And you can find out which flowers to sow this month - here are flowers to sow in April, for instance.

I was particularly interested to see what they have in the flowers to plant line - and specifically, flowers to encourage bees and butterflies, as a wildlife lover.  Suttons Seeds say on their website that it's a good idea to have at least 2 nectar or pollen rich plants in flower at any one time, and to look for plants that will give you a successful of flowers to enjoy during the whole growing season.  You also should look to provide insects with a late-flowering food source;  nectar gives them energy to fly and build them up for winter hibernation.

Suttons Seeds give each flower/plant etc a chart, showing when is the best time of year to plant or sow; and when they flower, so you can plan out on a piece of paper what plants flower when and so ensure your bees and butterflies have a successful of flowers during the summer. 

I love the Trollius Plant - Dancing Flame for £7.99 - here's a picture of it:

The Trollius Plant - Dancing Flame attracts both bees and butterflies
Click here to find out more from Suttons Seeds
This is the Dianthus caryophyllus Plant - Yellow
The Dianthus caryophyllus Plant - Yellow - pictured above is also one I like the look of, and I also like the fact that it will put on a show for many years to come.  It also attracts bees, butterflies and pollinators.  And of course - lavender - beautiful lavender - yes, I'll get a couple of those as well, not enough for a field, as I haven't got one of those, but a couple for the garden.
This is the Lavinder Plant - Hidcote for £7.99

There's been good news from Butterfly Conservation recently to say that a number of butterfly species have been making a come-back and if we can all help provide butterflies and bees with the flowers they need by giving up a bit of our garden for them, so much the better.  It's an easy way to help them, and I think there's nothing like flowers in a garden for cheering the spirit.  I planted daffodils last year and am thrilled to say they have come up - I just adore looking out of the window on a rainy day and seeing their yellowness brighten the day as they dance in the breeze.

Suttons Seeds have an offer on too - buy 2 perennial plants and get the third free.  Watch for the two three red pots sign on selected plants.  Go to Suttons Seeds now and fill your garden with wildlife friendly plants! 

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